Everyone gets stressed in their life, but financial stress is something that no one can run from. It will come to you one way or another, but you can make it better.
It doesn’t matter where you are from, every country in the world has something with financial stress. That’s because it is such a common thing, that people usually normalize it. But The thing is, it shouldn’t be normalized. It is not normal to be stressed 24/7 because of money. Unfortunately, we can’t really do much unless helping you out dealing with that.
What is financial stress?
Financial stress, according to the American entity “Financial Health Institute”, is a condition that results in financial events or economic which makes you more prone to anxiety. It can also result in wariness or sensation of solitude.
To put it simple, it is that feeling that you have when you must pay a bill that you don’t really have the money for, or you have something that you must do in the future. That you aren’t able to do so because of money.
It’s also important for you to understand that having stress sometimes, it’s not unnatural. Of course, it’s not common being stressed 24/7, but if you are stressed once or twice because you forgot some bill or an or something that you must pay. It is completely okay.
Fleeting stress is even healthy because it is a normal defense mechanism that our body has against things that don’t go our way.
What are the causes of financial stress?
Financial stress is not only bad for yourself and your relationships around you, but it’s also bad for your health. Constant stress is going to be awful for your health. It can give you more risks on getting depression, anxiety, physical conditions that make it hard to walk around, high pressure, diabetes, cancer, and even heart attacks.
A small thing that you might think it is has a really long list of sickness and diseases. But the worst of all are always going to be the mental illness, because those usually are one of the most debilitating since they are actually very long term.
How to reduce your financial stress?
Now that we already took out of the way that it is impossible to escape and will always have to suffer one way or another, it is time for you to understand how you can make it better. You don’t have to suffer alone or all the time. You can actually do things yourself without the help of a psychologist to make sure that your stress are not high levels. If you want to learn how you can take care of it, let’s take a look down below.
Emotional awareness
Your emotions are important and if you don’t really understand them, they will have a bigger impact than they should have. When you are happy, you tend to be more prone to having a better understanding of your finances. When you are sad, everything seems awful, so you don’t really do much to help. Understanding your emotions is going to be the first step to get rid of stress.
Get help
It doesn’t have to be a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Sometimes a help or even family can be of huge help. If you have a partner, then you can talk to them about your worries and how you don’t really know what to do next. Sometimes even a financial consultant is going to help you a lot since they are professionals in helping people like you.
Invest in financial education
Financial education is not only for children, it’s also for adults. If you actually start learning about financial education, you’ll find yourself better.
Organize your finances
Organizing your finances is also going to be a big step. When you organize them, you will see how important it is to spend less money and how much money you spend on some things that are not that important.
You can do that by making a spreadsheet on Google or using Excel or even a notebook in your life. You will write all of your expenses and everything that you must spend your money on, and then you can see how much you have left.
Understand what you can control or not
Even if it is your finances and your decisions, there are things that you cannot control, which is something that you must understand that whether you want it or not, things that you don’t want will happen. It doesn’t matter how organized you are, you will happen.
External factors like losing a job or any health problem can lead to your fallout in your finances and more stress. Which is why an emergency reserve is such an significant thing to have.
Create an emergency reserve
The solution to most concerns that you have in the financial world is an emergency reserve. It is hard to start one which is completely normal. Most people who have a difficulty in spending less money. But cutting expenses and start saving is going to save your life one day.
Don’t be impulsive
If you are someone that is very impulsive, then you are understanding a bit more of what we are saying. If you are doing a stressful time, and you really have issues with your finances, it is very easy for you to fall into all those patterns and start acting in impulse.
And that can mean a lot of things. You can start applying for loans, you can buy more things or even start investing with the little money that you have left without really knowing what you’re doing. Be careful with those things, and remember that if you don’t really know what you’re doing, don’t do it.
We are in the end of the article. Finally, you are able to see financial stress into another light, which we will never blame you since it is what we wanted for you from the beginning. Stress doesn’t have to be that debilitating thing that everyone thinks. You can take care of it on your own or even with a little help, which is why we hope that this article was good enough.